Thursday, June 24, 2010


Coupons. This will be my new project. Honestly, I'm scared. I have tried couponing several times before. In fact, I have tried several times. Basically, I hear some crazy successful coupon story (like someone being paid by the store because of their masterful use of coupons). I get motivated, clip coupons, then shop only to find that my coupons have no value to me. They either require you to buy five of a particular item in order to get 10 cents off, or I find the generic to be cheaper than buying with a coupon. I give up, throw away all my (by then expired) coupons, only to hear another super coupon story.

There has to be a secret I am missing. So, I am going to find that secret . . . and share it with you.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Work in Progress

I know my self-imposed deadline is up. Believe it or not, I have made a lot of progress on my notebook. I have been working diligently on budgets, investments, schedules, to do list, and goals. Throughout, I realized that this topic is not the best blogging topic. The information is so specific to my family that I'm not sure it does much good to post it for public viewing. (yes, I realize my mom is still my only follower) Plus, the information that someone else may find useful (aka menus and schedules) is information that I am finding to be a work in progress.

So . . . I will progress on my work by testing out recipes and menus until I have a monthly menu filled with healthy foods that I only have to shop for once a month. (like professional homemaker). I will also be happy with a monthly menu with semi-balanced foods, allowances for a pizza, and bi-weekly shopping lists. (like an amateur homemaker).

Since this will take some time, I will shift gears as I work on this and pick a new topic too. Stay tuned.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Home Planning Notebook Resources

I'm hoping that we are at the tail end of the sicknesses that have plagued us the last few weeks. Thankfully, its been nothing major, but having one child who is sick (even if its just a cold) is difficult. Having three children (two who have just turned one) is debilitating . . . at least when it comes to blogging.

However, a home planning notebook won't make itself. I'm currently trying to decide what categories are most important to me. So far, I have been focusing on: Goals, Budget, Traditions, Menu Planning, Vacation Check List, Weekly Schedule, and Emergency Contacts.

Here are some good resources if you are thinking about starting your own:

Organized Home Planning Hints
Home Planning Info from Passionate Homemaking
Basic Home Planning Notebook with Useful Section Ideas
General Information Found Here

Thursday, June 3, 2010

A Slow Start to the Notebook

Motivation: check
Supplies: check
Ideas: check
Time: ummmmmm.....mostly spent at the doctor's office with 2 sick kiddos. As a result, my progress has been slower than I expected. Good thing I gave myself 3 weeks. However, I have found a lot of good information about home planning notebook. I will be sharing as soon as health is restored to my household. Maybe I'll include a tab about how to deal with two, sick, screaming babies . . . when you are on your own. :)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Amateur Homemaker's Second Project

I needed a break after spring cleaning. I was tired and lost all my ambition to improve my homemaking skills, for a minute. But now I am back, and I am convinced that I can do more, better and faster . . . all while humming an upbeat tune. (Welcome to the ebbs and flows of my life. I'm either desperately tired or absolutely enthusiastic).

My second project is based on something I learned in the first. I am going to develop a home planning/management journal. I know there are resources out there. I will find them, adapt them to our family, and provide you the necessary information . . . all while humming an upbeat tune. Here we go again:

Project: Develop a Home Planning Journal
Time Frame: 3 weeks


"I find it helps to organize chores into categories: Things I won’t do now; Things I won’t do later; Things I’ll never do." (Cartoon Character “Maxine”)

"The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak." (20th century abstract expressionist painter Hans Hoffman)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Cleaning Hints for Ten Common Household Problems

1. Stove cleaning tip: Rub car wax on the inside of a stove. This will prevent grease, and grime accumulating, and will make it easier to clean later

2. Butcher Block Care: Wash well with water and dishwashing soap after every use. After cutting meat, wet down block with 1 part bleach and 10 parts water. Rinse well. Occasionally, to deodorize block, squeeze lemon juice on block, let sit for a few minutes, and rinse.

3. Window: One part vinegar and two parts water works wonders on the windows.

4. Deodorant Stains on Clothes: Instead of wiping the stain off with a wet cloth, try rubbing the stain against a part of the clothes that does not have a stain. It stain disappears.

5. Candle Wax Out: Put an ice cube or two on the wax to freeze it. This should harden the wax enough for you to scrap off.

6. Odor removal: From keeping an open box in the refrigerator to sprinkling it in shoes, baking soda has magical odor removal powers.

7. Dishwashing: For more effective dishwashing, add a few tablespoons of vinegar along with the dishwashing detergent when washing dishes. The vinegar cuts the grease and leaves dishes sparkling.

8. Cleaning Blinds: Put the blinds in the tub with soapy water. Add bleach if they are white blinds. Let soak for 15 minutes.

9. Removing scuff marks from walls: Use a dry cloth and rubbing alcohol.

10. Garbage Disposal: Cut a lemon in quarters and run it through your garbage disposal to freshen your drain.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

6 Tips for Maintaining Your Spring Cleaning

I have learned that it does not take long for forces beyond my control to purposely thwart my spring-cleaning efforts. I was hoping for one moment to enjoy my fully spring-cleaned house. I did have one moment . . . one, single moment. After which, dishes appeared in the sink, dirt scattered to the floor, and laundry piled up.

It appears that maintaining a spring-cleaned house is more difficult than actually doing the spring cleaning. So, here are some practical, daily cleaning tips to help us keep our houses cleaner longer:

1. Prioritize the Kitchen. The kitchen is one of the most used areas of the house. Therefore, it can get really messy, really fast. Doing a few simple things such as clearing the sink of dishes, wiping the counters, and sweeping the floor a few times a day makes your whole house feel and look clean.

2. Prioritize the Bathroom. The same reasons for prioritizing the kitchen exist for the bathroom as well. Plus, bonus, the bathroom uses the same cleaning products as the kitchen, which makes it an easy transition.

3. Pick up as you go. Need to run downstairs? Bring that basket of laundry with you.

4. Make beds every morning. That one act can change the entire appearance and feel of your house.

5. Consider a trip to the Goodwill. When things start to spill out of their designated area (toy box, desk or drawer), you have too many things.

6. Get others involved. Even the little ones can pick up after themselves.

More Helpful Hints


My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint. ~Erma Bombeck

My idea of superwoman is someone who scrubs her own floors. ~Bette Midler

Saturday, April 24, 2010

The end of spring cleaning week....finally!

As much as I wanted to quit after the painting debacle, I pressed forward. With a little less enthusiasm and optimism, I finished spring cleaning week. I did not cross everything off my list. Cleaning the attic and scrubbing the oven turned into impossible feats. However, I did cross off enough to feel like I accomplished something big. I feel good. I feel organized. I feel clean. I have learned that for me, spring cleaning is about getting ready for the new season not simply by cleaning the house but by freshening up the house. Some paint, a new picture, a subtle change of the furniture arrangements has made a big difference.

Furthermore, I made it through spring cleaning week with only a few mild fits and a couple (undeserved) complaints tossed my husband's way. So, all in all, I think I did pretty well....for an amateur. Now, to get some ice cream.....

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Middle of the Week: Half Way There to a Spring Cleaned House!

About 7 am.
I am up, and I am feeling good. I cannot wait to take on the big projects. Painting should be one of the easier ones. I'll probably start with painting the white areas of my house. The white areas are mostly trim so they should be small and manageable. Simple enough.

About 1 pm.
I HATE PAINTING!!! Why? Why? Why did I put it on the to do list? I am knee deep in white paint, and the "white areas" of my house that seemed so small and manageable are never ending. Why didn't I make my spring cleaning list: 1. hanging flowers, 2. putting up my flag, and 3. planning our vacation. No, of course not, I had to paint.

About 6 pm.
I am finally done, and I am exhausted. I cannot believe that I spent so much time painting the white trim in the house, and I still didn't cover it all. I planned to clean my bedroom, the babies' room, and the attic today too. Instead, I am going to bed but not before I cross off cleaning the attic altogether. It will still be there next year.

By the way, the white in my house does look really nice.


My second favorite household chore is ironing. My first being hitting my head on the top bunk bed until I faint. ~Erma Bombeck

I like hugs and I like kisses,
But what I really love is help with the dishes!
~Author Unknown

Sites to help:
Building a Home Planning Notebook: Alternate Spring Cleaning Project

For a wealth of infomation and articles that will hopefully keep you focused and determined

Spring Cleaning 101

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Start of the Clean

I have been officially "spring cleaning" for the past few days. Although I have not crossed off any of the big projects on my to do list, I am still very pleased with my progress. I have managed to keep up with all my daily household tasks as well as complete a few of the smaller projects (i.e. cleaning out junk drawers and such).

"How did you manage that feat while taking care of three kids?" you ask. Well, its simple. You plan to work and work your plan. Okay, honestly, I let my son watch an extra video.

But I have big plans for the rest of the week. I have someone scheduled to watch my kids (thanks, mom) while I tackle some of the bigger projects. I am particularly looking forward to painting. (I plan to touch up some of the white areas of my house). I like painting so this should be fun.

Starting Spring Cleaning


“Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing is like shoveling the sidewalk before it stops snowing” -Phyllis Diller

Our house is clean enough to be healthy, and dirty enough to be happy. ~Author Unknown